Dr. Dorairajan Sureshkumar
Infectious Disease
Registration No
TNMC 58954
Years of Experience
29 Years
Work Experience
- Senior Consultant Infectious Disease & Tropical Medicine SMF Hospitals, Chennai
- Assessor- National Accreditation Board for Hospitals & Healthcare providers
- Fellow in Infectious Disease, Dept. of Infectious Diseases, (March 2009- Jan 2011) Apollo Hospitals, Chennai, India
- Assistant Professor , Dept of Internal Medicine (March 2002- March 2009) Stanley Medical School, Chennai, India
- Senior Resident, Dept of Internal Medicine (June 1999- March 2002) Stanley Medical College, Chennai, India
Professional Membership & Certification
- Fellowship in HIV Medicine Centre for Disease Control (CDC), International Training and Education Centre on HIV (ITECH), & Govt Hospital of Thoracic Medicine (GHTM) Tambaram. (Nov 2005- Nov 2006)
- Certificate of Knowledge in Clinical Tropical Medicine & Traveler’s Health from American Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene -2010
- Fellowship in Infectious Diseases National Board of Examinations, New Delhi (March 2009 – June 2011)
- Specialty Certification in Infectious Disease , Royal College of Physicians, UK September 2012
Research & Publications
- Gopalakrishnan R, Sureshkumar D. Changing trends in antimicrobial susceptibility and hospital-acquired infections over an 8 year period in a tertiary care hospital in relation to introduction of an infection control programme. J Assoc Physicians India 2010; December (special issue) 58: 25-31
- Senthur Nambi P, Suresh Kumar D, Gopalakrishnan R. Influenza vaccines. Indian J Pract Pediatrics 2010;12(4):372-376
- Sureshkumar D, Gopalakrishnan R. Drug susceptibility pattern of M.tuberculosis isolated from patients attending a private hospital. Am J Infect Dis 2011; 7 (4): 104-106
- P.Senthur Nambi, D.Sureshkumar, V.Ramasubramanian Typhoid – A review in the 21st century, TAPI Journal Vol 3, Issue 1, January - April 2011
- D Sureshkumar , V Ramasubramanain, K Abdulghafur, V Nagvekar Hand hygiene compliance in India BMC Proceedings 2011, 5(Suppl 6)
- D Sureshkumar , V Ramasubramanian, K Abdulghafur Needle stick unjuries among health care workers – a report from India BMC Proceedings 2011, 5(Suppl 6):
- Shareek, P.S., D. Sureshkumar, Gopalakrishnan R, V. Ramasubramanian, K. Abdul Ghafur, M.A. Thirunarayanan. Antibiotic Sensitivity Pattern of Blood Isolates of Acinetobacter Species in a Tertiary Care Hospital: A Retrospective Analysis. Am J of Infect Dis 2012;8 (1): 65-69
- Dorairajan Sureshkumar, Gopalakrishnan R, MA Thirunarayanan. In vitro activity of tigecycline in the era of NDM-1. American Journal of Microbiology 2012;3 (2): 42-44
- Abdul Ghafur, Ramasamy Pushparaju, Sarathy Nalini, Krishnamurthy Rajkumar, Dorairajan Sureshkumar. Sensitivity pattern of Gram negative bacteria to the new β-lactam/ β-lactamase inhibitor combination: Cefepime/tazobactam. J Microbiol Infect Dis 2012; 2 (1): 5-8
- Gopalakrishnan R, Sureshkumar D, Thirunarayan MA, RamasubramanianV. Meliodosis: an emerging infection in India. J Assoc Physic India 2013;61:24-26
- Sureshkumar D, Gopalakrishnan R, Abdul Ghafur K, Ramasubramanian V. Vancomycin creep among methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus: a report. American Medical Journal 2013; 4 (2): 197-200
- D Sureshkumar , R Gopalakrishnan, K AbdulGhafur, V Ramasubramanian Infection control program to rural community hospital in India - a reality Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control 2013, 2(Suppl 1)
- Sureshkumar D Pneumococcal Vaccination in Different Specialties Supplement to Journal of The Association of Physicians of India 1st April, 2015
- Raman Gaikwad, Ram Gopalakrishnan, Sheela Nagusah, D Sureshkumar, V Ramasubramanian. Antiretroviral Therapy for HIV Infection: Time to Switch to Once-Daily Regimens? J Assoc Physic India 2015;63:15-17
- Alagesan M, Gopalakrishnan R, Panchatcharam SN, Dorairajan S, Mandayam Ananth T, Venkatasubramanian R. A decade of change in susceptibility patterns of Gram-negative blood culture isolates: a single center study. GERMS. 2015;5(3):65-77. doi: 10.11599/germs.2015.1073
- D Sureshkumar, R Gopalakrishnan, L Jessani : Congenital Rubella syndrome exposure in a pediatric hospital: experience from developing world. Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control 2015 4(Suppl 1):P260
- Jessani, LG , M. Thirunarayan, A. Chakrabarti, D. Sureshkumar, A. Parameswaran ,R. Gopalakrishnan. Disseminated phaeohyphomycosis presenting as chromoblastomycosis in an immunocompetent host: A rare manifestation. International Journal of Infectious Diseases 2016, Apr 30; Volume 45 , 313 – 314
- Jessani LG, Patil S, Annapurneshwari D, Durairajan S, Gopalakrishnan R. Human ocular dirofilariasis due to Dirofilaria repens: an underdiagnosed entity or emerging filarial disease? International Journal of Infectious Diseases. 2016 Apr 30;45:177
- Arjun R, Gopalakrishnan R, Nambi PS, Kumar DS, Madhumitha R, Ramasubramanian V. A study of 24 patients with colistin resistant Gram‑negative isolates in a tertiary care hospital in South India. Indian J Crit Care Med 2017;21:317‑21
- Swati G, Gopalakrishnan R, Sureshkumar D, Senthur Nambi P, Ramasubramanian V. A case series of cryptococcal infections in immune competent hosts. J Contemp Clin Pract. 2017;3(2):64-69. doi: 10.18683/jccp.2017.1026
- Arjun R, Ghafur A, Devarajan V, Senthur Nambi P, Ramasubramanian V, Suresh Kumar D, Gopalakrishnan R. A cluster of cases of melioidosis following floods in Chennai, India. J Contemp Clin Pract. 2017;3(2):50-56. doi: 10.18683/jccp.2017.1024
- Nitin Bansal, Kalpesh S Sukhwani, Suresh Kumar D, P. Senthur Nambi, Ram Gopalakrishnan & V Ramasubramanian. Clinical efficacy and safety of cefepime–tazobactam in hospitalized patients in South India. Infectious Diseases, 2017; VOL. 0, NO. 0, 1–4
- Bansal N, Gopalakrishnan R, Sethuraman N, Ramakrishnan N, Nambi PS, Kumar DS, et al. Experience with β-D-glucan assay in the management of critically ill patients with high risk of invasive candidiasis: An observational study. Indian J Crit Care Med 2018;22:364-8
- Mohammed Shafi Abdulsalam, Ram Gopalakrishnan, SureshKumar D, Thirunarayan MA, Srimathy Venkatesh, Balasubramaniam Ramakrishnan. Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia in a tertiary care hospital in India. Indian Journal of Medical Specialities 9 (2018) 60–64 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.injms.2018.03.004
- Rajalakshmi A, Shareek PS, Sureshkumar D, Gopalakrishnan R, Yamuna E, Ramasubramanian V. Candidemia species distribution and emergence of Candida haemulonii complex isolates resistant to fluconazole in South India. J Contemp Clin Pract. 2018;4(2):47-52. doi: 10.18683/jccp.2018.1035
- Laxman G Jessani, Ram Gopalakrishnan, Shaoli Basu, Suresh D, S Nambi, Velupande, V Ramasubramanian. “Assessment of Occupational Exposure and Infection Prevention Control of H1N1 Influenza among Healthcare Workers: A Multicentre KAP Study in Western and Southern India”. Acta Scientific Microbiology 2.2 (2019)
- Anusha Rohit, D. Suresh Kumar, I. Dhinakaran, Harmsen Dag et al, Whole-genome-based analysis reveals multiclone Serratia marcescens outbreaks in a non-Neonatal Intensive Care Unit setting in a tertiary care hospital in India. Journal of Medical Microbiology. 2019; 68:616-621.doi: 10.1099/jmm.0.000947
Awards & Achievements
- International AIDS Society Sydney: Young Investigator Award in 2007
- American Society of Microbiology, International Infectious Diseases Fellows Award 2010
- ICPIC Geneva: Travel Award 2011, 2015, 2017
- IDSA 2011- Best Research Paper Award for International HIV/AIDS research
- First Prize from API for Dr. JC Patel and BC Mehta Best Paper award under the category of Original Article for the year 2013 for the article entitled “Melioidosis : An Emerging Infection in India”
- Prof Dr. S. K Rajan, Gold Medal oration Award, TAPICON 2015
- Best oral presentation award from APSIC 2017
- ICPIC 2019 – Innovation Academy presenter